Pacific AV recently attended the LGNZ Conference held in Wellington.
It was great to be out and among the users that rely on the Dicentis conferencing system. Some new features were discussed and received with excitement in particular the new Hybrid feature! Multiple councils showed significant interest in the system, the councils that already have the Dicentis system speak highly of it , and the ones who don’t, want it and look on in envy!
We received good feedback about the system, and what works well is having only have a few microphones active at a time, as this has saved them embarrassment from private conversations happening during meetings. This also creates discipline in meeting and avoids councillors talking over one and other.
Talking to the support staff about how Hybrid will change the way they administer these meeting, there was real excitement. Being able to cast a vote as a remote participant and being counted correctly seems to be a desirable feature.
Meeting the end users has provided us with great insight into what the councillors expect from their conferencing system.
If you would like to know more about Dicentis please click the link below.